Loving God * Exploring Faith * Serving Others

Online Giving – FAQ

Many people no longer carry cash or a checkbook, instead many prefer to transact business electronically by using a debit or credit card. If that is your preference, then online giving may be the thing for you. Be assured, all online tithes, offerings, and special gifts are kept confidential and secure. Online gifts are recorded and will be included in your annual giving statement.

When is the contribution charged to my account?
Transactions usually take 2-3 day business days, so contributions scheduled Friday through Sunday may not appear on your account until early the following week.

Can anyone at the church see my account numbers?
No one at the church has access to your personal financial information. The church receives notification when your online gift is made and what fund it is for, so it can be received and recorded properly.

Can I donate to various funds in the church?
Yes, you can donate to the general fund or any special missions.

How often will the amount be deducted from my account?
That is up to you. You can make a one-time donation or set up recurring donations through PayPal.

Are there fees associated with online giving?
When using PayPal, the church incurs a processing fee of 2.2% of the amount donated plus a 30 cent transaction fee for each donation.

Why do people use credit cards for giving?

  • It helps simplify your giving.
  • It allows you to give consistently.
  • It allows you to focus on the service when you are at church.
  • No more check writing or ATM stops before church.
  • It is accessible from your mobile device.
  • It is safe, secure, and confidential.
  • You can use your credit card or debit card.
  • You can schedule recurring or one-time donations.
  • You can change a gift or account any time you like.
  • You can monitor your giving history and print statements, as needed.

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To begin the online giving process, select the donation button above and complete your information, enter your gift amount(s), payment information and hit “submit”. The PayPal form will direct you to paypal.com to finalize the transaction.